Getting off the Runaway TrainI was reading “Random Acts of Kindness”, when I came across this story. It is about one gentlemen’s fury that was turned to humility and...
Attitude of GratitudeI am grateful for my friends who believe in me, encourage me and challenge me to believe in myself! In this, God has blessed me so much...
Quotes to live by"Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is...why so few engage in it." ~ Henry Ford
Being Grateful for the Peaches in Your LifeI love spending time with my children. One of the ways I do this is by watching movies with them. This is something my mom and I used to...
Attitude of GratitudeI just went to another retreat, yes I do go to a lot of them. It was inspiring and uplifting. I am so grateful for all of the effort and...
The Angel in YouI read this book called Random Acts of Kindness. It contains quotes and stories from many different authors and sources. The foreword was...
Christ Centered Energy Healing ConferenceI am going to have a booth at the Christ Centered Energy Healing Conference on Saturday, November 7th, 2015 at Weber State University. I...