Celebrate with a DiscountTo celebrate my new website I am giving $10 off all individual sessions and $25 off all group sessions. Simply schedule your session by...
Attitude of GratitudeI am so grateful I was able to spend extra time with my family this weekend. Life has been so hectice that this time is even more...
Quotes to live by“A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes.” ~ Hugh Downs
Bumps on the road to pursuing the dreamOver the last couple of months as I have read other people’s blogs I began to dream about writing my own. But I always pushed the thought...
Attitude of GratitudeI just went to a Reiki Retreat last week and it was amazing! I had the best time with old friends and new. I'm looking forward to keeping...
Quotes to live byExperience is a jewel and it had need be so, for it is often purchased at an infinite rate." ~ William Shakespeare
You can’t wait for life to happen to you, you have to go after it!I was watching a Christmas movie the other day, when one of the characters said something that struck me as somewhat profound. The movie...
Attitude of GratitudeI am here, I am here, I am here! I have been fine tuning the website and cleaning things up. It's been a roller coaster ride and I'm...
Super HerosI met one of my heros at Costco this week. Her name is Meg Johnson. I first heard Meg speak at a Seagull Book Conference a few years ago....