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Misty Roses Communications

Celebrate with a Discount

To celebrate my new website I am giving $10 off all individual sessions and $25 off all group sessions. Simply schedule your session by...

Attitude of Gratitude

I am so grateful I was able to spend extra time with my family this weekend. Life has been so hectice that this time is even more...

Quotes to live by

“A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes.” ~ Hugh Downs

Attitude of Gratitude

I just went to a Reiki Retreat last week and it was amazing! I had the best time with old friends and new. I'm looking forward to keeping...

Quotes to live by

Experience is a jewel and it had need be so, for it is often purchased at an infinite rate." ~ William Shakespeare

Attitude of Gratitude

I am here, I am here, I am here! I have been fine tuning the website and cleaning things up. It's been a roller coaster ride and I'm...

Quotes to live by

"A person starts to live, when he lives outside himself." ~ Quoted by Meg Johnson

Super Heros

I met one of my heros at Costco this week. Her name is Meg Johnson. I first heard Meg speak at a Seagull Book Conference a few years ago....

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