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Misty Roses Communications

Tune Out to Tune In

Have you ever been in a parking lot or on the street when a car almost hit you because the driver was too distracted to pay attention?...

Getting Off the Runaway Train

I was reading “Random Acts of Kindness”, when I came across this story. It is about one gentlemen’s fury that was turned to humility and...

Quotes to live by

"If your faith will take you over the mountains, it will take you through the valleys." ~ Unknown Author

Quotes to live by

“If you attempt to be better than yourself, you will have more success than if you attempt to be better than someone else.” ~ Unknown Author

The Lucky Winners

The four people receiving tickets to the Christ Centered Energy Healing Conference are: Brittany, Josh, Delyn and Vicky! Congradulations!...

The Angel in You

I read a book called Random Acts of Kindness. It contains quotes and stories from many different authors and sources. The foreword was...

The gift you give to yourself

I want to share this post I wrote from my birthday in 2012. Yesterday was my birthday. A birthday for a child can be filled with the same...

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