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Choose a life of Possibility

I read this excerpt from the book “Portal to Genius” by Leslie Householder and Garret Gunderson today. I felt it would help to bring another perspective to the topic of choice that I have been sharing with you.

“…those who suffer will ultimately be okay. They’ll adjust or find something else; or they’ll reinvent themselves and find something more aligned with what they are really capable of doing and becoming. I believe in the human spirit. There is a divine spark inside of each person that can be fanned to a flame if it doesn’t remain hidden under complacency or dependency on external forces. It’s there, and sometimes it takes a shakeup before it can ever be discovered… What seems ‘bad’ always has something good to be found in it, and the people who suffer will have the choice to find the good or not. It’s within their realm of control to choose how they will respond. I choose to believe in these people.”

I too believe that we have a realm of control in our lives that we are mostly unaware of. It is our choice to respond. We can choose to respond to any situation or person in any number of ways. Our choice of response is only limited by our ability to think. Because what and how we choose to think directly influences how we respond in our lives.

If you want to make different choices, you must first think that there are different choices available to you and or think that you are capable of different choices. Take some time to see what you are thinking and you will then know what thoughts need to change in order to begin making the choices you desire for yourself.

Remember, the power to do this rests in your hands; it is your ability to choose. How will you see your life today? Will you see it for its possibilities or its limitations? It’s all up to you, and you are only limited by your imagination. So go and create the life you really want for yourself. Be that kid in the candy store and choose what you want. Do this with the intent of choosing what is for your good and you will find a life worth living. It will be a life that will have you jumping out of bed in the morning to go and create. It will be a life worth living and working to obtain.

Choose this day the life you have always imagined and live in a world of possibilities.

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